January 2016 Board Minutes

January 2016 Board Minutes

Members Present: Nancy Aden, John Bernthal, Duane Eversoll, Jack Goebel, Jim Griesen, Julie Johnson, Doug Jose, Rita Kean, Jeff Keown, Roger Kirby.

Jim Griesen, President, called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm.

  1. Alumni Association Update – Andrea Cranfield.
    • Andrea Cranfield announced that she will retire from the Alumni Association as of June 30, 2016. Jim Griesen thanked her on behalf of the UNL Emeriti Association for her service.
    • Andrea announced the 2016 Nebraska Association Alumni Award winners who have been confirmed to date. These individuals will be honored on May 5, 2016 at the Nebraska Innovation Campus.
    • There are two upcoming student events hosted by the Alumni Association. Backpack & Briefcase will take place on January 14. The purpose of this event is to provide information and support for students who are considering internships and assistance to those students who are seeking employment upon graduation from UNL. The second event is the Young Alumni Academy, which will also meet on January 14.
  2. Memory Moments:

    Harley Batie- Dentistry (December 5)

    George Holdren – Accounting & Business (November 30)

    Lou Leviticus – Agricultural Engineering (December 12)

    Gary Meisters – Mathematics (December 2)

    Irene Ruzicka – Extension (October 14)

    Charles Stubblefield – English (December 1)

  3. Treasurer’s Report – Jack Goebel.

    Balances (approximately):
    Checking at Wells Fargo
    Wisherd Spendable
    Emeriti Fund
    Big 10 Conference Fund
    $ 6,000.00
    $ 9,000.00
    $ 2,620.00
  4. Big 10 Conference (August 5-7, 2016) Update. John Bernthal & Jim Griesen.

    • John Bernthal will confirm the Hotel accommodations for the conference.
    • Chancellor Perlman has agreed to provide a financial contribution towards funding the Friday evening reception/dinner.
    • Jim Griesen contacted Bill Shomos (Professor, Glenn Korf School of Music) about a possible music program for the Saturday night dinner.
    • Jim and Julie will be meeting with VC Ronnie Green on February 4th about speaking to the conference attendees on Saturday evening and providing a financial contribution in support of the dinner.
  5. Emeriti Luncheon. Julie Johnson.

    • Julie reported that 80 persons (77 lunch/ 3- no meal) plan to attend the January 19 luncheon at the East Campus Union. Featured are Butch Hug & Mark Robertson who will speak on “Stadium Security”
    • The speaker for the February 18 luncheon, Dr. Robert Rauner, MD, MPH has been confirmed. He will speak on “Childhood Obesity.”
    • Julie will contact Kim Rauscher to confirm Chancellor Perlman’s address to the Emeriti at the luncheon on March 22.
  6. Benefits. Jim Griesen reported for Doug Zatechka.

    • Doug Zatechka requested the Board to consider removing from the website Benefits document the information about the Wisherd Award since awards currently are not being made.
  7. Newsletter. Julie Johnson.

    • The newsletter will be completed and sent out prior to the January 19 luncheon.
    • Julie circulated the draft of the newsletter among the Board and asked for feedback.
  8. Committee Reports

    Membership – Roger Kirby reported he has been receiving membership dues.

    Member Relations- Nancy Aden reminded the Board of upcoming Coffee House Chats. The February 12 chat will be held at Crescent Moon, the March 15 at Jeff Keown’s home and the April 12 chat will be at Crescent Moon.

    Faculty Senate- Jeff Keown – no report, as the first Faculty Senate meeting of the semester is Tuesday, January 12 at 2:30 pm.

    Emeriti Oral History- Doug Jose indicated that he would like a ‘camera person’ to assist him with videotaping of the individuals involved.

  9. General Discussion

    Jim Griesen reported that John Comer suggested a change to the present bylaws regarding committee structure. Jim asked if the Board was in agreement with adding to the bylaws: 1) the names of the standing committees approved by the Board but not presently listed, and 2) adding “Liaison to the UNL Faculty Senate” to the sentence that currently reads “The President shall appoint the Chairs and Members of the Standing Committees.” The members of the Board indicated agreement. When John is back from his current travels Jim will meet with him for the purpose of developing a set of proposed changes to the Constitution/Bylaws that will be brought back to the Board for final review before being proposed to the membership.

    Doug Jose asked if the bylaws state the function and responsibilities of each committee. Jim Griesen indicated no. Doug then suggested that a one-sentence description of the committee responsibility be included. Jack Goebel explained that the responsibilities of each committee are provided in the UNL Emeriti Association Operating Guidelines.

    The Meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm. The next Board Meeting is February 11 at 1:00 pm at the Nebraska Alumni Association.

Submitted By: Rita Kean, Secretary