January 2012 Board Minutes

January 2012 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Agnes Adams, John Comer, Jack Goebel, Bob Kuzelka, Jim Kendrick, Jim McShane, Delivee Wright, and Doug Zatechka.

1. Meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Jack Goebel, President.

2. Alumni Update. Andrea Crawford, our liaison to the University of Nebraska Alumni Association, was welcomed back from her absence from dual knee surgery. She reported that the Good NUz will be out in February and they are working on the Big Red Weekend.

2. Memory Moments: James C. Kimberly, Professor of Sociology died November 3, 2011.

3. Minutes of the Dec. 5, 2011, Board Retreat were distributed by e-mail, corrections were made, and minutes are posted on the website. The Minutes were approved as corrected and posted.

4. Agnes Adams, Treasurer, reported current status (see attached report). She also reported that the Wisherd Award checks had been distributed to recipients. Report was accepted.


1. Internet access to the Emeriti listserves. A review of who has access to distribute information on the listserves was discussed in light of a recent committee announcement that was referred to the President, Jack Goebel and Site manager, Jim Kendrick.


1. Internet Resources Available from UNL. Jim Kendrick displayed information with links on our web site that can assist Emeriti with several issues including:
a. Reporting new licence plate numbers.
b. UNL Antivirus
c. Wireless Registration (for use on campus)
d. Get a UNL account.
e. Get a UNLSERVE e-mail account.

2. Emeriti Committee to address 30,000 student action plan and Big Ten Activities. Discussion was tabled until next meeting.


1. Membership: Mel Thornton, Chair, sent a report as of January 9, 2012: with two additional new members. A discussion of a new Collegial member was tabled until next meeting.

2. Member Relations: Bob Kuzelka, Chair, reported that he is working on the new brochure and needs photos for that purpose. The next Coffee Chats are February 15th and March 15th, at 9:30 am at the Crescent Moon Coffee House, 816 P St. He reported a good turnout at the December Coffee and provided a thank-you gift for the hosts. This expenditure was approved with further discussion needed.

3. Oral History Project. Tice Miller, Chair, was not present. Jack Goebel requested ideas for a new Chair as Tice does not wish to continue.

4. UNL Senate: Jim McShane reported that both parents of the current Senate President, Barbara LaCost, died recently and has been absent as a result. They meet again in January.

5. Web Site: Jim Kendrick, Chair, elaborated on the importance of the resources now identified on our website and details of using them.

6. Benefits: Doug Zatechka, Chair, distributed a revised copy of the Emeriti Benefits information as of January 6, 2012. Item 8, pertaining to the former Courtesy Committee, and Item 9, pertaining to subscriptions to the Alumni Magazine were deleted. Other changes were incorporated. Bob Kuzelka moved and Doug Zatechka seconded a motion to approve the Benefits List as discussed and amended today. Motion passed with one nay vote.

The next Emeriti Board Meeting will be Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 1:00 pm at the Wick Alumni Center.

The next Luncheon meeting of the UNL Emeriti Association will be 11:30 am, January 17, 2011, at the East Campus Union.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary

UNL EMERITI ASSOCIATION TREASURER'S REPORT Monday, October 31, 2011 to Saturday, December 31, 2011

Wisherd Fund
Book Value: $ 55,266.83
Spendable: $ 23,428.33
Market Value: $ 129,690.73
Estimate of Annual Income: $ 6,881.00

Emeriti Association Fund
Spendable: $ 5,173.00

Wells Fargo Checking Account

October 31 Balance: $ 4,383.13

Received: $ 975.00*

Expenditures: $ 2,636.49**

December 31 Balance $ 2,721.64

Explanation of Income and Expenditures
*Receipts were for November luncheon and annual dues.

**Expenditures were $2,636.49: Bursar's invoice included Oct. And Nov. luncheons, Premier
Catering for December retreat, and Miller and Kendrick reimbursement for History project supplies.

Treasurer: Agnes Adams