Policies and Procedures

Office of the President 

The President presides at all meetings, proposes aims and goals, sets the agenda, and directs the organization. The President shall be responsible for communicating with the UNL Chancellor and NU President.

Office of the Vice President/President-Elect

The Vice President/President-Elect will serve as the Programs Committee Chair for the Association. In the event that the President is absent from any meeting or unable to complete a duty of the presidency, the Vice President/President-Elect shall temporarily assume the role of President.

Office of the Treasurer

Dues Structure and Financial Report: The Treasurer shall have responsibility for managing and reporting on all Association accounts including: the checking account; all University of Nebraska (NU) Foundation accounts; the UNL cost center; and income from membership dues, luncheon fees, and donations. The Treasurer is responsible for paying all approved expenses of the Association and reports regularly to the Board.

Management of Finances: Management of Association funds are handled through an Association checking account, NU Foundation accounts, and an internal UNL cost center.

Use of Wisherd Foundation Funds: The Association through its Board has wide latitude in use of Wisherd Foundation Funds. “As the Fund is to be used for the benefit of the Association, it may be used to benefit individual members or more broadly all members as determined by the Board.” Keith Miles, NU Foundation General Counsel, (February, 2010).

Office of the Secretary

The Secretary shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all Board of Directors meetings and Membership meetings. Minutes of meetings are distributed to all board members via email for review prior to the next board meeting where they are approved after acting on any proposed changes. Following approval of the minutes, the secretary posts them on the Association’s website. At the end of each calendar year the Secretary is responsible for delivering a complete set of minutes to the University Libraries’ Archives and Special Collections Office.

Nominating Committee

The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors shall serve as the Nominating Committee. Each year the committee shall put forth the names of nominees for the office of Vice President/President-Elect for the coming year, two Directors for the expiring three-year terms, and any other elected positions to the Board that may be vacant. Procedures for additional nominations and subsequent election are outlined in the Constitution/Bylaws

Composition of the Board of Directors

The Board shall consist of the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Past-President, Treasurer, Secretary, six Directors elected from the membership to staggered three-year terms, and Chairs of all standing and ad hoc committees.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors is composed of the Immediate Past-President, President, Vice President/President-Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and Membership Chair. The President serves as chair. Actions of the committee require an affirmative vote of four of the six members.

Membership Meetings

Membership meetings are held the third week of the month in September, October, November, January, February, March, and April on alternating Tuesdays or Thursdays to the extent possible. Meetings begin at 11:30 a.m. and generally include a business meeting, speaker or other entertainment, and an optional luncheon. An individual who speaks or provides entertainment at a membership meeting shall by honored by a donation to the Association’s scholarship fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation in an amount to be determined by the Board of Directors. 

Memory Moments: The names of emeriti and retirees and their spouses/partners who have died since the last meeting shall be read and a moment of silence held to honor them and their contributions to the University. Names of the deceased from the previous year are included in the spring newsletter. Near the end of each year the Board shall decide on the amount of a memorial contribution to the Association’s Scholarship Fund at the University of Nebraska Foundation in honor of those who have passed away. 

Recognition of Members: New members will be recognized and introduced at an Association luncheon or other appropriate meeting. 

Recognition of Officers and Directors: At the last membership meeting of the calendar year officers and directors whose terms are ending will be recognized for their service, and all new officers and directors will be introduced.

Board of Directors Meetings

Regular Board meetings are held each month of the academic year as scheduled by the President. An annual planning retreat (with lunch) is held in early December.

Communication with Membership

E-mail shall be the principle means of communicating with Association members. An Association newsletter is distributed twice each year, spring and fall. A website is hosted by UNL and maintained by the chair of the Digital Communications Committee.

Cancellation of Association Meetings

Weather cancellation of Association meetings is guided by decisions of Lincoln Public Schools. When school is canceled, meetings are cancelled.

Committee Functions and Responsibilities


I. Awards

The Awards Committee shall administer the awards program as approved by the Board of Directors.


II. Benefits

The Chair shall compile a list of benefits available to Emeriti and retirees, keep it current, and share the information with the membership via the Association’s website.


III. Bylaws and Policy Committee

The Bylaws and Policy Committee will review the constitution/bylaws and policies of the Association and will bring suggestions for revisions to the Board of Directors.


IV. Campus Engagement Committee

The Campus Engagement Committee will explore and consider opportunities for Association members to provide volunteer services that enhance the student experience and provide support for University programs. After service opportunities are approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors at a regular Committee meeting or via electronic communications, the Campus Engagement Committee recruits volunteers and coordinates their involvement.


V. Digital Communications

The Digital Communications Committee keeps track of all changes to Association programs and activities featured on the Association’s website as well as new programs and activities and communicates these to UNL for posting on the website. This includes minutes of monthly board and association meetings, a roster of members, oral histories as they become available, committee functions and duties, an annual updating of changes reflecting the election of new officers, and any other changes necessary to keep the membership and others informed regarding Association programs and activities that are approved by the Board.

The committee also manages the electronic systems the Association uses for registering attendance at membership meetings, coffees, social events, and tours.


VI. Educational Activities

The Educational Activities Committee is responsible for promoting and conducting programs of interest to the Association. This includes, but is not limited to, planning tours on and off campus, maintaining a collaborative relationship with the Osher Lifetime Learning Institute (OLLI), and planning/promoting other educational events. The Committee is also involved in producing and maintaining oral histories based upon extended interviews with UNL faculty, staff and administrators sharing thoughts on their experiences and time at UNL.

Oral History: Oral history is a project of the Association that interviews and video records current and former members of the UNL community. Interviews cover a range of topics including experiences that led to careers at UNL; the activities and views of faculty, administrators, and students on campus at the time; campus facilities; and contributions of the University to research, service, and teaching. Potential oral history invitees may be suggested by the Board and are approved by the Board.


VII. Membership

The Membership Committee shall maintain a database of names and addresses of members and the surviving spouse/partner of deceased members, including information for categorizing members in ways relevant to Association’s business and activities. It shall produce information including electronic mailing lists requested by officers, the Board, committee chairs and other agencies approved by the Board. It shall report to the Board on the number of members and other information relevant to its responsibilities. 

Following receipt of the Business Systems Analyst’s monthly files listing the names and contact information for recent retirees, the committee sends each person eligible for membership a letter of invitation to join the Association. The letter is signed by the President or Chair of the Membership Committee and includes the current Association brochure, if available, that describes the programs and activities of the Association.

Member Association dues are billed each year. First year membership is free for all new members. Should membership lapse, members will be retained on the listserv for three years, unless they request that their names be removed.

Policies for Sharing Association Information:

1. Names and mailing addresses can be made available to the NU Foundation and UNL Chancellor for the annual Foundation/Chancellor/Alumni Association luncheons.

2. Names and mailing addresses can be made available to the UNL print shop or campus post office for Association business.

3. All or parts of the database can be made available to Association officers, the Board, and standing committee chairs.

4. Other UNL administrative units desiring to use information from the database must receive approval by the Board, which if granted, shall be for one-time use for the specific purpose of the request. In considering such requests the Board shall require that the specific purpose must be supportive of the objectives of the Association. If the Board is unable to meet, approval can be given by unanimous consent of the president, vice president/president-elect, and past-president, or other board members should one or more of these officers be unavailable.


VIII. Programs

The Programs Committee is chaired by the Vice President/President-Elect and is responsible for identifying and scheduling speakers for the monthly luncheon meetings that are held during the academic year. Committee members make all venue and food service reservations and staff the check-in table at the monthly meetings.


IX. Publications

The Publications Committee has responsibility for producing at least two newsletters a year, one in the spring, and one in the fall, for distribution to the membership and others with an interest in Association activities. These contain information related to Association events, programs, members, and other information of significance to the Association and its membership. Past newsletters are available on the Association’s website. The Committee is also responsible for periodically producing a new recruitment brochure.


X. Scholarships

The Scholarships Committee oversees the administration of the Association’s scholarship program and is responsible for proposing scholarship fundraising campaigns to the Board. Following approval by the Board the Scholarships Committee implements and manages the fundraising campaigns.


XI. Social Activities

The Social Activities Committee is to promote good fellowship among the emeriti and retirees of UNL. The Committee is responsible for scheduling coffee house chats, holiday events, and other social activities.


Affiliated Organizations

The Association is affiliated with the Big Ten Retirees Association and the Association of Retirees Organization in Higher Education (AROHE). The President and Vice President or two members from the Board selected by the Board will represent the Association at the annual Big Ten Retirees Association meeting. The Board may also elect to send representatives to the annual AROHE meeting. The Association is also an affiliate of the UNL Alumni Association and maintains an office and has a mailing address in the Wick Alumni Center.

Edited and Revised by the Board of Directors on December 13, 2016; January 12, 2017; December 05, 2018; January 17, 2019; March 10, 2022; April 12, 2022; December 8, 2022; and March 9, 2023.