Connect, Engage, Serve

Welcome to the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association (UNL ERA)

Beginning in 2023, the day you retired from UNL you were automatically enrolled as a member of the UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association.  That first year of membership is free and we hope you enjoy the benefits of membership enough that you will continue to participate.  Following your first year of free membership, annual dues are $25.00 per year.

If you are not yet a member, we encourage you to explore our website and learn more about the benefits offered to our members. There are numerous ways you can stay involved with UNL ERA.  The monthly luncheons are a great way to learn about interesting research, investigate current events, become informed about the impact UNL and the University System makes on the national and international stage.  Coffees are well attended events that provide opportunities to interact with colleagues and old friends.   The educational events committee plans tours of UNL Colleges and departments, The Lied Center, and this year they hope to schedule a tour to the Davis Global Center on the UNMC campus.  The ERA plans to collaborate with OLLI on several events again in 2024.  If learning, camaraderie, and fun are part of your retirement plan you will enjoy the many activities of UNL ERA.

As the ERA Board of Directors looked forward to 2024 they prioritized the following five goals for 2024:

  1. Increase the diversity of the ERA membership to reflect UNL programs, disciplines, race, gender, and national origin.           
  2. Implement an electronic dues and registration payment system.
  3. By the Spring of 2027, increase the amount of money in the scholarship fund to $90,000.
  4. Distinguish a ‘brand’ for ERA that will assist with the promotion of the organization
  5. Mentor and connect with pre-retirees and early retirees

If you would like to work on one of the goals the Board would welcome your assistance.

Headshot of Larry Dlugosh

As former faculty members and staff we did not always get to interact with as many colleagues as we may have wanted to in our daily activities.  Now, as retirees, it is very fulfilling to engage and get to know a wide range of UNL friends and have time to share ideas with them.  I look forward to becoming better acquainted with each of you and to welcome new members to the association. 

Larry Dlugosh
President, UNL Emeriti and Retirees Association


Tours & Activities

a group of era members stand on memorial field and listen to a tour leader

After a tour of HuskerVision headquarters, ERA members hear more about it while standing on the field in Memorial Stadium.

Luncheon Meetings

a man records a room full of people seated around tables

Luncheon meetings that focus on current programs and issues within the university are presented live and also videotaped for online viewing.

Fun & Fellowship

a group of era members are gathered around a table in a coffee shop

Members gather at informal Coffee House Chats and an International Issues Discussion Group.