September 2007 Board Minutes

September 2007 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Jim Kendrick, John W. Goebel, Rose Marie Tondl, Max Clegg, Walter E. Mientka, Irv Omtvedt, and Delivee Wright
President, Howard Ottoson, called the meeting to order.

The minutes of the May l, 2007,Board of Directors meeting that had previously been circulated to the administrative group online, were formally approved.

Jack Goebel reported on exploratory information he had gathering concerning
the proposals for Pay It Forward and the Great American Financial Resources Insurance programs as introduced at the May Board Meeting. He also reported on the recommendations from the Benefits Committee regarding these proposals. Information from a variety of resource people as well as an article on the Oklahoma State University's experience and an article from the Chronicle of Higher Education were considered. While recognizing these program were generated by legitimate and good companies who provided a variety of products, the committee did not recommend that the Emeriti Association engage in this as a fund raising endeavor as it is inconsistent with the mission of the association as defined in the Bylaws of the organization.

Jim Kendrick moved and Jack Goebel seconded the motion, "That it is the sense of the Board of Directors that the Emeriti Association not endorse the endowment
trust nor the insurance program, and that it is not our role to engage in such programs." The motion passed unanimously. Howard Ottoson will send a message to the proposers consistent with this motion. President Ottoson will present a summary of the Endowment trust and insurance program at the October meeting
of the Association.

A brief discussion was held concerning whether the leave of Ed Parquette, Director of Alumni Relations, would have implications for the Emeriti Association'sr elationship with the Alumni Office.

The treasurer's report covering the period August 1-August 31, 2007, was presented by Walter Mientka, treasurer, and the budget proposal for the year was reviewed for this period. The treasurer's report was accepted on a motion by Mientka and second by Omtevdt. The treasurer's report is posted on the Emeriti Assn. website.

Suggestions for inclusions for the Emeriti Association benefits list from Christine Jackson, Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, were forwarded to the Benefits
Committee for inclusion in the next Emeriti Association Brochure. We need to be comprehensive in identifying benefits such as the ten percent discount at Lied Center Events.

It appears that the problem of accuracy in identifying new Emeriti faculty for the mailing list is still an issue. Payroll and VCAA records seem to differ slightly.
Richard Boohar, Membership Chairman; Dan Lutz, Secretary; and Howard Ottoson, President, will meet to work on this further. Dues notices will go out In October or November.

It is time for generate a slate for the elections of officers and board members
for 2008. The nominations committee of the current officers includes:
Howard Ottosen, outgoing President; Robert Fuller, President-elect; Dan Lutes,
Secretary; Walter Mientka, Treasurer; and Irv Omtevdt, Immediate Past President.. They will prepare nominations for the positions of Vice-President (President—elect), and Board of Directors member to replace DDelivee Wright who completes her three year term in December. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer are appointed by the President so need not be nominated. The nominations committee will meet on October 2, 2007, at 12:30 pm at the Wick Alumni Center. (It was decided that a full Board meeting was not needed for October.)

The Topic of preserving historic scientific instruments was discussed. Bill Splinter is available to give a special report on organizing a museum of this type at the
November Board meeting. A motion by Jim Kendrick and seconded by Irv Omtvedt
to table the motion adopted at the May l, 2007, meeting to appoint a committee
to explore this subject; the motion passed.

The Emeriti Luncheon September 27, 2007, will include all Emeriti Association
members in good standing as well as other guests of the Nebraska University Foundation.

Deaths since last meeting were announced by Howard Ottosen, President.

The next association meeting will be October 16, 2007. The program, What's Cooking in Turkey? Ataturk University—Then and Now will be presented by Emeritti Professors Harold L. Allen and Ted H. Doane. The November 13, 2007, program will be The Seven Deadly Threats to Emeriti by Mario J. Scalora, Associate Professor of Psychology, UNL. Meetings are in the East Campus Union at 12:00 noon.

Jim Kendrick, Chairman of the Website Committee, reported 650 hits per month during the summer with a number of international visitors. In order of frequency,
from highest to lowest were: recordings of past speakers, emeriti names, board members, calendar, and treasurer's reports.

The Maud Wisherd letters are out with requests due in October.

Some concerns were expressed by members who took the bus transportation to
the NU President's luncheon for retired employees last May in Omaha. The bus was
one used to shuttle at UNL and the meal was already served when Lincoln people arrived. A question was also raised about whether emeriti received the Alumni Magazine.

Walter Mientka handed out a flyer by Nolan Consulting Service who requested
consideration for a possible future program.

There being no further old or unfinished business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:00 p.m.

Submitted By: Delivee Wright in the absence of Dan B. Lutz,Secretary