March 2014 Board Minutes

March 2014 Board Minutes East Campus Union

Members Present: Agnes Adams, Allen Blezek, John Comer, Bob Diffendal, Duane Eversoll, John Goebel, Julie Johnson, Doug Jose, Roger Kirby, Kay Rockwell, Ed Schmidt, Delivee Wright, Doug Zatechka. (New Board members, Bob Diffendal and Ed Schmidt, were introduced.)

John Comer, President, called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

  1. Memory Moments: Ted H. Doane, Animal Science; Charles Gardner, Agronomy; and Frank Smith, Conservation and Survey Division.

  2. Treasurer's Report. Agnes Adams, Treasurer, reported the current financial status (see attached report) and her report was accepted This report is appended to the minutes online.

  3. John Comer reported exploring UNL Today as a medium for Emeriti news and visibility. Troy Fedderson, Editor of UNL Today ( and Steve Smith, News Director, University Communications (ssmith13@unl.wsu) were receptive to the idea.

  4. OLLI-Emeriti collaboration on an international discussion group is being explored to begin in September 2014.

  5. The By-Laws include the opportunity for non-UNL faculty who have received emeriti status to be invited to join the UNL Emeriti Association. Retired faculty of the Lincoln-based College of Dentistry are eligible.

  6. Committee Reports

    1. A. Benefits Committee. Doug Zatechka , Chair, reported that listing of benefits the web site has been updated. The "Park-N-G0 " discount for Emeriti at the Omaha airport seems to work well.

    2. B. Faculty Senate. Bob Diffendal, newly appointed Liaison to the Senate, reported:

      January – Senate will revise rules for emergency votes.
      February – No meeting was held.

      1. Chancellor Perlman will send his budget reduction proposals to APC and Senate Exec on March 17, 2014.
      2. Grievances will be heard from faculty concerning the newly formed college of Fine and Performing Arts combined with Architecture.

      3. Incidents of racial profiling will be reported via the web.

      4. The national SAVE Act will require training to avoid sexual incidents.

      5. The 4-H building on Innovation Campus will open in the fall. Other research space will be available in 2015. Bob also reported on his Emeriti funded book project and related projects.

    3. Membership Committee. Roger Kirby, Chair, reported 129 membership renewals for past years after he sent a letter to those who were in arrears in the past three years. He said about half of our membership do not have an email address. He has added eight new Life members.

    4. Member Relations. Kay Rockwell reported the results of an ad hoc committee consisting of Jack Goebel, Bob Kuzelka, Marilyn Schepers (spouse), Julie Johnson, and herself. A handout of the report was distributed and reviewed. It was decided to study the recommendations for discussion and motion from Kay Rockwell at the April Board Meeting.

    5. Big Ten 2016 Conference. Jack Goebel reported meeting with John Bernthal and setting up the fist meeting of the Steering Committee. Al Seagren will chair fund-raising.
      Jack also reported progress in getting a volunteer to review the IRS status of the organization, which will aid in developing an annual budget.

    6. Web Site. Jim Kendrick has begun training for Ed Schmidt who will learn the maintenance of the Emeriti Web site. This has been delayed because of Jim's hospitalization.

  7. The next Coffee Chat will be St. Patrick's Day, March 17, 2014, at the Crescent Moon Coffee House, below Ten Thousand Villages on the SE corner of 8th and P Streets. Treats are welcome; wear green if you don't want to be pinched.

  8. The next Luncheon Meeting is Thursday, March 20, 2014, in the East Campus Union. The program is "A Look at Nebraska's Bridges – In Light of Recent Collapses in Other States," by Mark Traynowicz, Bridge Engineer at the Nebraska Department of Roads.

  9. The next Board meetings will be 1:00 pm, April 10, 2014, in 115 Leverton Hall; and 1:00 pm May 8, 2014, in 104 Home Economics.

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary