July 2019 Board Minutes

July 2019 Board Minutes Home of Jeff Keown

Members Present: Jeff Keown and Others

Thanks Jeff for your hospitality and refreshments.

 1.  University of Nebraska Foundation Luncheon will be on Monday, September 23, 2019 at Innovation Campus.  Wisherd award(s) will be presented at the meeting

2.  Jeffrey announced the programs for the Fall Luncheons:

            September 23rd, as noted above

            October 25th (Friday), John Hay (BSE), Topic: Solar Energy and the proposed Solar Park in Lincoln

            November 22nd (Friday), Shane Farritor, Engineering, Topic: What’s new in Medical Devices/Tech

Note:  The October and November luncheons will be held at Lancaster Extension Education Center,  444 Cherrycreek Rd, Lincoln.  After some discussion, a motion was made by John Comer, seconded by  Pat Crews, and passed unanimously  to select ChefauChef as the caterer for the October and November meetings.

3.  Fall Tour—Kay Rockwell has lined up a tour of the new Nursing School and Student Health complex on August 14th.  As of today 31 people have already registered for the tour.  We will meet in the adjoining cafeteria area, and Kay will send a poster/announcement by e-mail.

4.  Jeffrey (and others) have suggested that handrails need to be put into the stadium for safety getting to/from seats.

5.  Several people are needed to fill positions on the board, especially since Jack Schinstock’s recent passing. We need to have a new President-elect to start in January 2020.  The ballot is generally presented at the September Luncheon meeting.

Sue Gildersleeve volunteered to be secretary. She has been helping with tours and headed the benefits committee.

With Al Seagren ‘s passing Jeff suggested that we also need to replace him on the board.   Pat Crews noted that Julie Johnson had previously pointed out that technically we did not need to replace Al because he was one of two co-chairs of the Awards committee and Pat Crews remained. Viann Schroeder has indicated that she would like to serve on the board, and all agreed that she would be a great addition.  It was suggested that Kim Hachiya should be approached for the President-elect position, as she is a professional/managerial retiree rather than an emeriti faculty member and was a delegate to the Big 10 retirees conference in August. It was noted that it is important to have a retiree from a professional/managerial line serve as president of the association since the association was expanded to include a broader membership of UNL retirees.

Both Jeffrey and Rita Kean (in their roles as current and past-president) agreed to help out/fill in with duties, due to Jack Schinstock’s passing.

6.  Jeffrey announced he is meeting with Susan Fritz (newly appointed interim president of the University of Nebraska system) on August 28th to discuss Emeriti and Retirees concerns.

7.  Jeffrey passed out a tentative schedule of  Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Luncheon schedules for September 2019 through June 2020 (attached).

Kay Rockwell announced the next Emeriti/Retiree Tour will be Monday of Fall Break (October 21st).

8.  Currently scheduled and  Potential programs for upcoming luncheons were discussed:

            Pride of All Nebraska (UNL marching band)—Tony Falcone

            Vocal Group—Teaching Music—Music School

            Marilyn Moore—Life Lessons

            Connie Boehm—Resilience, dealing with university stress/stressors

            Nebraska Dept. of Labor—where programs are needed, future employment needs

            Leirion Gaylor Baird—new Mayor of Lincoln, vision for the city

9.  Jeffrey noted that the annual Board Retreat is scheduled for December 10th , at 11:00 AM.

He also is checking on the use of the Alumni Center as locus for Board of Director meetings.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30.

Submitted By: Tom Hoegemeyer