October 2005 Board Minutes

October 2005 Board Minutes UNL East Campus Union

Members Present: Howard Ottoson, Wilma Crumley, Walter Mientka, Irv Omtvedt, Ted Hartung, Francis Haskins, Jim Kendrick, Dick Boohar, Delivee Wright, Lee Jones, Dan Lutz

Meeting called to order at 1:30 p.m. by president Don Edwards. 

Minutes of September 1 board meeting: Moved by Omtvedt, seconded by Boohar, for approval as distributed. Carried. It was stipulated that when the secretary records the minutes of the current meeting and forwards the draft by e-mail to officers and board members for suggestions/corrections, a response to the secretary is needed within five days after the draft is transmitted. Once any changes are made in the original draft, the approved version will be posted on the website, with the note that the minutes will still need to be approved for the record by members present at the next board meeting.

Treasurer’s report (as of 8/29): Walter Mientka: Maude Wisherd Fund balance--$54,966.83; spendable earnings - $34.658.23—a $600 increase from last month. Income received – January –September: $3,209.90. Expenses, same period: $2,618.31 (includes $500 to open new UNL Emeriti Assn. Fund). Checking account balance: $591.59.

The report also included correspondence from NU Foundation officials regarding establishment of and procedures relating to the newly-established UNL Emeriti Assn. Fund, “which shall be used for the benefit and support of the UNL Emeriti Assn.” Copies of request for payment from Foundation Funds form for applicants Judy Cole, Leora Horning and Helen Kreymbourg were forwarded to the Foundation at the Foundation’s request. A copy of the request by Hazel Anthony for $1,000 to support the research/scholarly activity “Legacy Project” by the UNL College of Education and Human Sciences was also forwarded to the Foundation. Moved by Omtvedt, seconded by Lee Jones, that the treasurer’s report be approved as presented. Carried.

Considerable discussion ensued regarding the procedure for a retiring UNL academic/administrative staff member to be granted Emeritus status. It was noted that questions arise as to specific benefits Emeriti receive from the University. The current procedure, now on the website, was revised in 1994. The text of the explanation of Emeritus status issued in 1994 was distributed to the board. One question raised was a paragraph that stated “The (UNL) ticket office allows all Emeriti to purchase tickets for athletic events on the same basis as current employees.” In the case of football, this is limited to those who purchased tickets the previous year before retiring. It was also noted that not all retiring faculty are recommended for Emeritus status and/or a positive recommendation is not forwarded by the unit administrator through administrative channels for ultimate approval by the Board of Regents.

A proposal to change the name and mission of the Courtesy Committee and change its status from ad hoc to Standing was discussed by the committee chair, Delivee Wright, and Irv Omtvedt. Wright raised a question as to whether the title is indicative of the current, and perhaps possible expanded, purpose of the committee. Wright said projects and engagement with members should be stressed within the committee’s purpose. Committee membership has dwindled, with only one member besides the chairperson. The committee does not receive word of illness or infirmity of Emeriti, who would receive a courtesy basket.

The concept of Member Relations was advanced, beyond Courtesy and its present interpretation. A broadened perspective and the ability to meet stated objectives were urged by Omtvedt and Wright. The role and mission of such a committee should be enhanced or the committee dropped, Wright said. While re-stated objectives of the committee and its present title were not changed in the current discussion, it was agreed to submit the proposal to change the Courtesy Committee from an ad hoc status to that of a standing committee to the membership present at the October 20 meeting.

The question as to who—only Emeriti who are dues-paying members of the Association, or also Emeriti who are unpaid members—should be invited to the annual NU Foundation luncheon was discussed. It was moved by Hartung, seconded by Mientka, that the Association should provide the Foundation with a list of only its members in good standing (dues paid) to be invited to the luncheon. The Foundation can add others as its guests as deemed appropriate. Carried.

Membership committee chair Dick Boohar shared and discussed at length a detailed classification of individuals included on the master roster, which includes both paid and unpaid (but eligible) members of the Association. His analysis provides data as to a potential attendance total at membership meetings, the need to persuade more unpaid Emeriti to become association members, and the need to ensure that Emeriti widows and widowers are recognized by the Association for inclusion and involvement, especially attending membership meetings if they reside in the Lincoln area.

Breakdown of paid, unpaid, residence in Lincoln area and outside of Lincoln, widows and widowers, surviving spouses of deceased Emeriti.

Widow or widower (surviving spouses) of deceased Emeriti: 111, of which 62 reside in the Lincoln area.
Paying members: 318, including 130 life members. Of paying members, 78 live outside the Lincoln area; 35 outside Nebraska.
New Emeriti: 31, eight of whom live outside the Lincoln area. Based on proximity to Lincoln, new and prior Association members constitute a potential audience of 262 for Lincoln-based meetings.
Expansion of Association efforts to tailor activities especially for non-Lincoln area members—target audience is 86.
Of all Emeriti listed on the master roster, 198 are not members of the Association, including 108 who reside in the Lincoln area. This latter bloc of individuals represents potential participants in the Association’s Lincoln activities and provides a member recruitment target.

Boohar suggested that mailings and other efforts might be made by the Association and various committees to specific groups within the current classification to recruit new members, urge Lincoln area Emeriti to attend monthly membership meetings, and assure that widows and widowers of deceased Emeriti are welcome and urged to become involved in the Association and its programs.

Lutz was complimentary regarding the effort Boohar made to construct a profile of UNL Emeriti,

which can be utilized to meet the goals mentioned. However, he pointed out that all mailings originated by the UNL Emeriti Assn. are now handled by the UNL printing and mailing office. Mass mailings and mailings based on various classifications within the master roster would be significant challenges for the Association in terms of breaking out specific mailing lists, ordering printing, preparing jobs for mailing and multiplying billing and payment requests to the treasurer. Officers and committee chairs would need to rely on recruiting key members to perform these tasks. In short, the new arrangement would be complicated.

Mientka moved, seconded by Omtvedt, that the board approve Boohar’s plan involving classification

of certified Emeriti on the master roster, enabling the Association to further its efforts on behalf of members. Carried.

President Edwards expressed gratitude on behalf of the Association for Boohar’s Emeriti analysis effort which can lead to positive steps in membership recruitment and meeting members’ needs.

The need for a new, revised UNL Emeriti Association brochure was cited. After some discussion, the proposal was put on hold pending clarification of several items.

Benefits Committee: Francis Haskins. (note: Secretary requested Haskins to provide a summary of his report because of the details and the importance to provide accurate and current information on benefits, especially in the health area. His report is presented herewith without editing).

“As a visitor, I attended a substantial part of the September 15 meeting of the reconstituted University-wide Benefits Committee. Most of the part that I attended was devoted to discussion of the new Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage (Medicare Part D). Numerous insurance companies will be offering Part D plans, and premium rates and coverage details will vary widely. However, the “standard” coverage provides that for each insured person: (1) There will be an annual deductible of $250 for prescription drug expenses. (2) For the next $2,000 in prescription expenses, the insured person will pay 25 percent ($500) and the insurer will pay 75 percent ($1,500). And (3) for the next $2,850, the insured will pay 100 percent. Thus, for the first $5,100 in annual prescription expenses, the insured person will have out-of-pocket expenses of $3,600 (in addition to the insurance premiums, estimated at $30-plus per month). After the $3,600 annual figure has been reached, the insurer will pay approximately 95 percent of additional prescription expenses. As of September 15, University officials had not determined what effect Part D coverage might have on prescription coverage under the University’s medical insurance plans. Enrollment in the new Medicare Part D will begin November 15, 2005, and coverage will begin January 1, 2006.”

Maude Wisherd Committee – Lee Jones, chairman. Actions of the committee in approving those seeking grants has been covered in previous reports

Nominating Committee – Chairman Ted Hartung presented the committee’s report on behalf of himself, Dick Fleming and Bill Splinter. Candidates for election as officers and board members of the UNL Emeriti Assn. for 2006: President—Irv Omtvedt; Vice President—Howard Ottoson; co-secretaries—Dan Lutz, Anita Leininger; Treasurer—Walter Mientka; Board members: Jerry Petr--1-year term; Delivee Wright—2-year term; Max Clegg—3-year term. Don Edwards continues service on the board as past president. The slate will be presented at the business session of the October 20 membership meeting. Committee report received consensus approval.

On-Line Communications Committee – Jim Kendrick, chairman. The proposal was discussed to delete or discontinue the On-Line Communications Ad Hoc Committee and form a new Website Standing Committee. The possibility of listing the Association membership in its various categories on the web was discussed. The decision was affirmed to take the proposal changing the present ad hoc communications committee to the Website Standing Committee before the membership present at the October 20 meeting.

It was suggested that a courtesy luncheon, which would in effect be an orientation meeting, be sponsored for new Emeriti Association members. The recent survey conducted by the Association disclosed a desire of socialization by members at monthly meetings Structured discussion on various topics might be held to vary the format of regular meetings. Omtvedt stressed the need for the board to explore reaching out to retirees, including possible structural changes in monthly meetings. Special interest groups might be encouraged.

Mientka moved, seconded by Lee Jones, that the Association sponsor an orientation luncheon or meeting for new members once a year. Planning for the meeting would be the responsibility of the president. Motion approved.

A resolution submitted to Association President Don Edwards by Emeritus Earl Barnawell was discussed. Barnawell requested the board to approve the following resolution, dated Sept. 7, 2005:

Be it resolved that Regent J. David Hergert submit his resignation from the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska. In view of his actions to deceitfully and dishonestly manipulate the election that brought him to the Board of Regents, we call upon Mr. Hergert to resign. His actions are at variance with the standards of honesty and integrity we hope to inculcate in our students.

It was decided by consensus to not take any action on the Barnawellbb resolution since the Emeriti Association has a representative on the Faculty Senate where this matter was discussed and action was taken at most recent meeting held on October 4, 2005 to call for Regent Hergert to resign.

It was moved by Mientka, seconded by Ottoson, for the Association to appropriate $1,000 from its treasury for the relief of families in Katrina-stricken New Orleans. After brief discussion, Mientka asked permission to withdraw his motion; Ottoson concurred.

Omtvedt moved that the UNL Emeriti Association by-laws be amended to permit absentee voting, so members not present at a called membership meeting would have an opportunity to cast votes. Seconded by Boohar, approved. The resolution would be taken to members attending the October 20 meeting for approval. If this provision relating to absentee voting is approved, the UNL Emeriti Association website will be used to distribute ballots to those desiring to utilize absentee voting.

Details of the October 20 membership meeting at the UNL East Campus Union, beginning at 12:30 p.m.: Speaker will be Ted Weidner, UNL Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities, Management and Planning, who will give “A Status Report and Overview of the Antelope Valley Project and Its Impact on the UNL Campus and the City of Lincoln.” (A reminder card was mailed to Emeriti with Lincoln and nearby community zipcodes). The meeting room at the Union will be available prior to the Emeriti meeting for members who wish to come early to eat together and visit before the meeting.

President Edwards reminded that future board meetings will be held at the East Union at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, November 3 and Thursday, December 1.

There being no further old, unfinished or new business, the meeting was adjourned.

Submitted By: Dan B. Lutz, Secretary