May 2019 Board Minutes

May 2019 Board Minutes East Campus Union

Members Present: John Comer, Pat Crews, Jim Griesen, Kim Hachiya, Earl Hawkey, Tom Hoegemeyer, Julie Johnson, Rita Kean, Jeff Keown, Jack Schinstock, Vi Schroeder, Don Weeks

 President Jeff Keown called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.

 1. Memory Moments.

  • Lowell Moser
  • Margaret Ottoson (spouse of Howard)
  • Greg Snow
  • Ann Baker (spouse of Maurice)

 2. Treasurer’s Report. Earl Hawkey reported little had changed since the last meeting. He filed for recapitalization with the University Foundation, and those changes should be reflected on the May ledger. Earl reminded board members he must receive all registration fees and other expenses along with receipts within 30 days.

 3. Past President’s Report. Rita Kean reminded board members of the great volunteer opportunities available to emeriti/retirees. Commencement continues to be a positive opportunity to serve. Fifteen of our members volunteered for spring commencement May 4. Upcoming opportunity summer commencement, August 17. Our contact at the Nebraska Alumni Association is Katie Brock.

 4. Luncheon/Program Updates.

  • Jack Schinstock reported he is still considering venues for fall/spring luncheons as the Nebraska East Union will not be available. Suggestions included International Quilt Center (parking enough for all, $300 fee, lunch $13.50), Wick Center (parking an issue, fee high, choice from five caterers), Visitors Center, Stadium, Lancaster Extension Offices (parking enough for all, $100 fee, caterer Chefauchef). Discussion followed as to whether the association should pay fees in securing a venue. Jack Schinstock moved, Julie Johnson second a motion that the association pay fees incurred for securing venue(s) for general membership luncheons. Motion carried.
  • Schinstock is working with a list of possible speakers/topics for fall and spring programs. He is actively seeking additional suggestions from board members. One additional suggestion was Suicide: Big Red Resilience.

 5. Old Business.

  • Membership. Roger Kirby continues to contact new emeriti faculty but is having difficulty tracking down new retiree information. All board members were encouraged to send him names of newly retired persons, and the association will work with UNL Human Resources (and perhaps Central Administration) to find out if a list of retirees exists. In the past it has not been possible to secure such a list as once a staff person retires, all communication with HR ceases unless continuing insurance options are chosen.
  • Bylaws and/Policies. Final approval of the updated association bylaws and policies was given by the board in December of 2018, The documents are now available on the association web page.
  • Coffee House Chats. Don Weeks reported scheduled chats for May through July:
    • Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 9:30am—Home of Doug Jose, 8900 S 162nd St, Bennet
    • Wednesday, June 12, 2019, 9:30am—Home of Don and Rita Weeks
    • Wednesday, July 10, 2019, 9:30am—Lodge at Wilderness Ridge
  • Fall Tour. An association tour of the new College of Nursing and Student Health Center building will be conducted on August 14, 2019. Coffee served at 9:00am with in the Cather Dining Hall (thanks to Sue Gildersleeve for arranging), and tour at 9:30am.
  • First Generation Project. Rita Kean reported no news has been received.
  • Foundation Luncheon. President Keown contacted Susan Fritz and Denise Todd regarding the fall luncheon with no response at this time. It was suggested he contact Greg Jensen at the Foundation. The luncheon is usually held in September in place of our general membership luncheon.
  • Association Awards. Pat Crews reported this will be the first year our association awards will be presented at the fall foundation luncheon. All is in place from the awards committee perspective once the date of the luncheon is announced.
  • Pre-retirees Meeting. President Keown reported speaking about the association at both morning and afternoon UNL pre-retiree meetings April 24, 2019. There were approximately 120 in attendance in the morning session and 80 in the afternoon.

 6. New Business.

  • New Officers. President Keown reported board members need to begin thinking about a slate of new officers. The association will need a vice president (program chair), secretary, and elected board member. He thanked Vi Schroeder for her work as secretary of the association. He suggested one of the roles for the past president might be as volunteer opportunity chair (perhaps with a co-chair).
  • UNL Faculty/Staff Relations. President Keown indicated there have been no volunteers for these positions which keep the association in touch with Faculty Senate, UAAD, and UNOPA. He encouraged board members to think of persons to fill these three positions.

 Meeting adjourned at 2:30pm.

 Upcoming Meeting

Executive Committee—June 4, 2019, 2:00pm, Braeda



Submitted By: Vi Schroeder, Secretary