January 2020 Board Minutes

January 2020 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Jim Griesen, Kim Hachiya, Earl Hawkey, Jeff Keown, Don Weeks, Sue Gildersleeve, Alfred Stark, Rita Kean, John Bernthal, Kay Rockwell, Julie Johnson, Doug Jose, Tom Hoegemeyer, Vi Schroeder, Jane Zatechka, Linda Major

President Don Weeks called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.

  1. Meeting Minutes.
  2. The minutes of the November 14, 2019 board meeting and December 10, 2019 annual retreat were presented for approval.  Rita Kean moved approval and John Bernthal seconded the motion.  The board unanimously approved the minutes.

  3. Memory Moments.
  4. William “Bill” John Wayne, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

    Doug Amedeo, School of Natural Resources

    Jim Alfano, Plant Pathology Department

    Jimmy Smith, Multi-cultural Affairs

  5. Committees/Activities Reports.
    • Budget: Earl Hawkey reported that 74 individuals had paid dues so far and there were approximately another 25 to 30 yet to process for a total of 100 dues-paying members.  
    • OLLI: Rita Kean plans to follow up with the OLLI office to learn how many non-OLLI ERA members enrolled in the courses that ERA selects for its members. She was uncertain how far back this information might be available.
    • Membership:  Alfred Stark reported that the second notice for membership renewals is to go out in early February.
    • Website: There was discussion that the website luncheon registration process worked well.  Alfred Stark said he will tweak it for the next time with the main change being to send a confirmation back to the registrant so they know it went through.
    • Benefits: Sue Gildersleeve noted that the letter from Bruce Currin to recent retirees offering a one-year free membership will go out soon.
    • Tours: Kay Rockwell noted that the tour of Huskervision is scheduled for Thursday, March 26.  The fall tour will be at the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Arts prior to the beginning of classes.
    • Coffee Chats: Jane Zatechka reported that the next Coffee Chat will be held January 22 at Panera at 14th and Pine Lake.
    • Newsletters and brochures: Still in progress.


  1. New Business.
    • ERA and UNL student interactions:  Linda Major will meet with Amy Goodburn and the Honors Program Director Patrice McMahon to discuss opportunities for ERA members to interact with students.
    • Recognition of ERA members: Rita Kean presented a proposed policy.   Discussion followed resulting in change to the document.  Kay Rockwell moved and Jeff Keown seconded that the modified document be accepted.  The motion carried.  The revised policy document will be presented for approval at the February board meeting. Discussion followed regarding the recognition of John Comer, long-time active board member. Doug Jose moved, Kim Hachiya seconded that John Comer be recognized (according to the new policy approved above) for his outstanding service. Motion carried. A thank you letter will be written by Don Weeks and available at the next board meeting.
    • Secretary duties during luncheon registration process:  Don Weeks reported that Sue has asked for additional assistance during luncheons since it can be challenging to both collect luncheon money and take minutes during the luncheon meeting.  He mentioned that he has an idea of an ERA member who might be willing to take on this responsibility.
    • Operations manual—Kim Hachiya emphasized the importance of creating an operations manual for smooth transition of board member duties.  Jim Griesen will provide her with a copy of the official policies and procedures document for the association so she can evaluate what is in place and the details that need to be made available.
    • Newsletter article—Doug Jose asked for a volunteer to write a summary of the luncheon speaker’s presentation for the newsletter. Kim Hachiya volunteered.


  1. Progress with Initiatives.
    • Initiative 1: Automated registration for meetings. Already in place and working. Al Stark and Kim Hachiya will continue to tweak both process and instructions.
    • Initiative 2: Share a ride. Don Weeks will discuss the association’s legal liability if this opportunity were to be offered to members. He will report at the next meeting.
    • Initiative 3: Retirement transition assistance—With a full plate of association work already in process, this initiative will be tabled until late spring.
    • Initiative 4: Membership survey-- Kim Hachiya reported she is creating a membership survey to be emailed to all members using a standard survey tool like Survey Monkey. Survey will include questions regarding retirement transition, share a ride (if initiative moves forward), request for program suggestions, current/future involvement, etc. Kay Rockwell suggested question regarding tours and coffee chats be separate questions. She also suggested the NEAR Center in Educational Psychology as a resource for survey analysis. Jim Griesen will send Kim a copy of the last survey completed three years ago.
    • Initiative 5: Nonprofit status for ERA—Initiative will be on the agenda for this year but work has not yet begun.
    • Initiative 6: ERA activities supporting students—Linda Major already reported on progress but added she will also look into the use of the Student Affairs website.
    • Initiative 7: Potential additions to Coffee Chat meetings--Rita Weeks and Jane Zatechka will be meeting and report at the next board meeting.
    • Initiative 8: Potential benefactor to Morrill Hall Science Exploration Zone—Kay Rockwell led a discussion regarding possible individual or association volunteer involvement. Discussion followed. The outcome of the discussion was an addition to the association webpage listing UNL campus volunteer opportunities with links to webpages. Board members are to bring suggested opportunities to the next meeting for both the association webpage and the upcoming member survey.


  1. Other business:
  2. Don Weeks reported complaints about the food at the luncheon. He will investigate other menu options. Kim Hachiya led a discussion about the sandwich condiments which led to a decision to provide our own at the February luncheon.

    Meeting adjourned at 2:45pm.


    Upcoming Meetings

    January 13, 2020 – Membership Luncheon, 11:30 AM, Lancaster Extension Education Center

    February 4, 2020 – Executive Board Meeting 2:00 PM, Braeda

    February 11, 2020 - Board Meeting, 1:30 PM, Wick Alumni Center

    February 21, 2020 – Membership Luncheon, 11:30 AM, Lancaster Extension Education Center

    February 26, 2020 – Coffee Chat, 9:30 AM,  Rock ‘n’ Joe, 5025 Lindberg St. (Near intersection   of South 70th St. & Glynoaks Drive)

    March 5, 2020 – Executive Board Meeting 2:00 PM, Braeda

    March 12, 2020 – Board Meeting, 1:30 PM, Wick Alumni Center

    March 19, 2020 – Membership Luncheon, 11:30 AM, Lancaster Extension Education Center

    March 26, 2020 – HuskerVision Tour & Coffee Chat – 9 AM,  west entrance of Memorial Stadium




    Submitted By: Sue Gildersleeve, Secretary