February 2020 Board Minutes

February 2020 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Kim Hachiya, Earl Hawkey, Jeff Keown, Don Weeks, Sue Gildersleeve, Alfred Stark, Rita Kean, John Bernthal, Kay Rockwell, Julie Johnson, Vi Schroeder, Jane Zatechka

President Don Weeks called the meeting to order at 1:30pm.

 1. Meeting Minutes.

The minutes of the January 9, 2020 board meeting were presented for approval.  Julie Johnson moved approval and Pat Crews seconded the motion.  The board unanimously approved the minutes.

2. Memory Moments.

James “Jimmi” Smith, Multicultural Affairs

Richard DeLorm, Engineering

Gary Fouraker, Athletic Department

Margaret Fuller, spouse of Robert Fuller, Physics

Robert Krejci, Dentistry

Roger Kirby, Physics

Dan Vasgird, Research Compliance Services

Jamie Bauman, Veterinary Diagnostic Center

 3. A discussion was held with Gayle Page, Director, Benefits and Risk Management; Judy Walker, Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Academic Affairs; and Bruce Currin, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, regarding ways to improve retirement planning for UNL faculty and staff.  While many employees adequately plan for financial aspects of retirement, some retirees fail to plan for ways to be engaged socially and participate in activities that support a healthy, happy retirement.  The discussion touched on both passive and pro-active ways to share information with future retirees.  Another significant topic was concerns about the availability of information for surviving spouses of UNL employees.

 4. Committees/Activities Reports.

  • Awards: Pat Crews moved that the Wisherd Award deadlines be changed to March 15 instead of March 1; John Bernthal seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
  • Budget: Earl Hawkey reported that most dues payments for the current year have been received.
  •  OLLI: Rita Kean continues to work with the OLLI office to obtain information regarding the number of ERA members taking advantage of the OLLI classes offered to ERA members at no charge.
  • Membership:  Alfred Stark reported that there are 17 new members since January 1 and 124 renewals.  The next reminder notice to those who have not yet paid dues will go out shortly.
  • Website: Alfred Stark reported that he has received additional positive comments related to the luncheon registration process.
  • Tours: The tour of Huskervision is scheduled for Thursday, March 26 and will begin at 9 am; Bill Moos will provide a welcome.
  • Coffee Chats: Jane Zatechka reported that the next Coffee Chat will be held February 22 at Rock ‘n’ Joe’s.
  • Newsletters and brochures: Julie reminded board members to send newsletter articles to her as soon as possible.  She will bring brochures to the next board meeting for review and consideration of whether the brochures should be modified.

 5. New Business.

  • Rita Kean presented the revised policy for criteria leading to an award recognizing contributions of an individual to ERA.  Kay Rockwell moved approval and John Bernthal seconded the motion.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • A letter thanking John Comer for his years of dedicated service to the ERA was circulated among the board for signature.
  • President Don Weeks noted that the position of Assistant Secretary is open and he will discuss the opportunity with potential candidates.
  • Kim Hachiya discussed progress on the ERA operations manual.
  • Vi Schroeder has agreed to compile volunteer opportunities for the ERA website.

 6. Progress with Initiatives.

  • Initiative 1: Automated registration for meetings. Completed January 2020.
  • Initiative 2: Share a ride. Liability issues associated with ride sharing appear to not be a concern and implementation of the initiative will begin soon.
  • Initiative 3: Retirement transition assistance was discussed as noted in item number 3.
  • Initiative 4: Membership survey. Still in process.
  • Initiative 5: Nonprofit status for ERA. The initiative will be on the agenda for this year but work has not yet begun.
  • Initiative 6: ERA activities supporting students. Still in progress.
  • Initiative 7: Potential additions to Coffee Chat meetings—still in progress.
  • Initiative 8: Expansion of volunteer opportunities for ERA members—Vi Schroeder will lead the effort to compile a list for inclusion on the ERA website.

Meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Submitted By: Sue Gildersleeve, Secretary