February 2013 Board Minutes

February 2013 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Agnes Adams, Allen Blezek, John Comer, Duane Eversoll, Jack Goebel, Doug Jose, Jim Kendrick, Roger Kirby, Kay Rockwell, Delivee Wright, Doug Zatechka and Andrea Cranford.

Allen Blezek, President, called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

1. Andrea Cranford, Alumni Association, distributed the recent edition of GoodNUZ and provided a list of the Alumni Association’s 2013 Award Winners. Among them was Allen Blezek, President of the Emeriti Association who will receive the “Doc Elliott Award” for career contributions to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. She also updated the benefits of belonging to the Alumni Association including discounts; these will be linked to our web site.

2. Comments by Allen Blezek. Allen restated his intention of keeping meetings of the Board to one hour.

3. Memory Moments include: Bert Alfrey, Curriculum and Instruction; Lona Uerling, wife of Donald Uerlig, Educational Administration.

4. Steering Committee for the 2016 Big Ten Retirees Association Meeting. Jack Goebel reported that a meeting is scheduled to meet with Chancellor Perlman, and a date and site need to be determined. Most effort will be needed the two years preceding the conference.

5. Office Materials: Jack Goebel reported that he and Allen Blezek have boxed office materials to be sent to Love Library Archives for appropriate action. The most recent materials will be sent by Delivee Wright when organized. The office and computer in Wick may be used by members of the board as needed.

6. Treasurer’s Reports. Agnes Adams reported the financial status as of January 31, 2013. (see attachment). It was suggested that we review catering costs periodically. Renewals are low so Agnes will send a reminder email to annual members who have not renewed. Only about five members have requested USPS mailings. Dues reminders should be added to the “Yellow Card Program Announcements.”

7. Memory Moment Acknowledgements: Jim McShane had inquired about the appropriateness of recognizing the passing of anyone who would potentially be Emeriti members (i.e., faculty who have not yet retired). Kay Rockwell moved and Doug Jose seconded a motion to recognize with Memory Moments, those who are currently members or are spousal members to the extent that information is available to us. Motion passed.

8. Board Meeting Schedule. Allen Blezek reminded us that Board meetings are scheduled one week preceding the Member Luncheon Meetings.

9. Member Relations Report: Kay Rockwell reported that Coffee Chats are scheduled as follows:

March 18, 2013, Monday, 9:30 am, Tour with coffee at the Voelte-Keegan Nanoscience Research Center on City Campus.

April 1, 2013, Monday, 9:30 am “Don’t Fool Me Chat” at Crescent Moon Coffee House or courtyard on “P” Street For the Board’s information, Kay Rockwell noted plans to honor Herb Howe at the April Coffee House chat are in progress. Details will be shared later.

International Relations Group is also planning the following events:

February 28, 2013, Thursday, 2:00 pm, Discussion of Who Stole the American Dream by Hedrick Smith to be led by John Comer.

March 6, 2013, Wednesday, 2:00 pm, East Campus Union, John Wunder will lead a discussion of Nebraska Moments by D. Hickey, John Wunder and Susan Wunder.

Eye-Opener (in the PM)

April 2, 2013, Tuesday, 3:30 pm East Campus Union, Dr. Don Rundquist will discuss the history of the Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies (CALMIT) with emphasis on its international activities and collaborations.

10. AROHE Membership: Jack Goebel reported membership is due for AROHE if we want to continue with it as well as the BigX Retirees. Jack Moved and Duane Eversoll seconded a motion to continue membership until we decide otherwise. Motion passed.

11. September Member Luncheon Meeting: The question of whether to schedule an Emeriti Association meeting for September was discussed as a result of potential overlap with the Foundation Luncheon for Emeriti. Jim Kendrick moved and Doug Jose seconded, a motion to plan a September Emeriti meeting. Motion passed with 9 yeas and 2 nays.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary

UNL EMERITI ASSOCIATION TREASURER'S REPORT Tuesday, January 1, 2013 to Thursday, January 31, 2013

Wisherd Fund
Book Value: $ 55,466.83
Spendable: $ 9,724.59
Market Value: $ 136,222.85
Estimate of Annual Income: $ 6,213.00

Emeriti Association Fund
Spendable: $ 5,973.00

Wells Fargo Checking Account

December 31 Balance: $ 374.40

Received: $ 6,445.00*

Expenditures: $ 1,715.18 **

January 31 Balance: $ 5,104.22

Explanation of Income and Expenditures
*Receipts were for luncheon, annual dues, and transfer from Wisherd.

**Expenditures included East Campus Union catering, Bursar's invoice for printing and mailing, Agnes Adams banking stamp pad.

Treasurer: Agnes Adams