February 2012 Board Minutes

February 2012 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Agnes Adams, Alan Blezek, John Comer, Jack Goebel, Bob Kuzelka, Jim Kendrick, Jerry Petr, Delivee Wright, and Doug Zatechka.

1. Meeting was called to order at 1:00 pm by Jack Goebel, President.

2. Alumni Update. Andrea Crawford, our liaison to the University of Nebraska Alumni Association, reported that the Good NUz is out. Jack will be meeting with them regarding collaborative efforts of the Emeriti Association as an Affiliate of the Alumni Association.

2. Memory Moments: None had been noted.

3. Minutes of the January 10, 2011, Board Minutes were distributed by e-mail, corrections were made, and minutes are posted on the website by Delivee Wright, Secretary. The Minutes were approved as corrected and posted.

4. Agnes Adams, Treasurer, reported current status (see attached report). Report was accepted.


Several items of business were delayed until a more complete contingent of Board members could be present.

Cancellation of Emeriti meetings because of inclement weather will be consistent with the announcements of the Lincoln Public Schools for closings. This information will be announced to the membership.


1. Benefits: Doug Zatechka, Chair, reported that the Alumni Association will continue to make Good NUz available to Emeriti. They will work out just how this will be done. Jack Goebel reported that the Emeriti Office has been moved to the Lower Level, Wick Center, to the right of the elevator.

2. Web Site: Jim Kendrick, Chair, reviewed changes being made in the UNL email. UNL is moving toward storage of data in the “Cloud”, using less hardware. In the process, UNL Notes is gone however aliases will stay the same.

3. Membership: A replacement for Mel Thornton, Chair, is needed soon. The person needs to: understand how to use spreadsheet software for managing membership data, connect with UNL officials to get new member information in a timely way, and work with the UNL Mailing unit to keep Emeriti mailing lists current. Suggestions are welcome.

4. Member Relations: Bob Kuzelka, Chair, reported the next Coffee Chats are February 15th and March 15th, at 9:30 am at the Crescent Moon Coffee House, 816 P St.

5. Oral History Project: Doug Jose, Emeritus of Agricultural Economics, has been appointed as replacement for Tice Miller as Chair. Tice and Lowell Moser will pull together the Oral Histories that have been completed.


1. Jack Goebel raised questions about how to use time gained from shorter business meetings at the Monthly Emeriti Luncheon meetings. Jack will announce at the February meeting that in March we will have dessert and coffee after the Business Meeting to provide opportunities for informal sharing of ideas, recollections, other interesting opportunities, etc.

2. A question arose concerning the percentage of membership renewals received from annual members, and whether it was necessary to supplement dues collection with snail mail. Agnes Adams will consult with Mel Thornton to determine the status of renewals, and Jack will invite members who attend the February Luncheon to pay dues if they have not already done so.

3. Jack Goebel proposed an Executive Committee consisting of the Past President (Dan Wheeler), the Current President (Jack Goebel), and the President-Elect (Alan Blezek) to consider issues that needed a quick response. This item will be voted upon at the next Board meeting.

The next Emeriti Board Meeting will be Tuesday, March 7, 2012, 1:00 pm at the Wick Alumni Center.

The next Luncheon meeting of the UNL Emeriti Association will be 11:30 am, Thursday, February 16, 2012, at the East Campus Union (Prairie Suite).

Meeting adjourned at 2:15 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary

UNL EMERITI ASSOCIATION TREASURER'S REPORT Saturday, December 31, 2011 to Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wisherd Fund
Book Value: $ 55,466.83
Spendable: 24,002.64
Market Value: 129,690.73
Estimate of Annual Income: 6,892.00

Emeriti Association Fund
Spendable: 5,173.00

Wells Fargo Checking Account

December 31 Balance: 2,721.64

Received: 680.00*

Expenditures: 939.22**

January 31 Balance: $ 2,162.42

Explanation of Income and Expenditures

*Receipts were $680 for January luncheon and dues.
**Expenditures were for Bursar's December invoice and Kuzelka reimbursement.

Treasurer: Agnes Adams