April 2005 Board Minutes

April 2005 Board Minutes Gregg's Restaurant N. Cotner

Members Present: Wilma Crumley, Donald Edwards, Francis Haskins, Lee Jones, James Kendrick, Irv Omtevdt, Howard Ottoson, Jerry Petr, Delivee Wright.

1. President Edwards opened the meeting at 1:30 pm. The meeting was moved to Gregg’s Restaurant for a quieter setting for discussions.
2. In the absence of the Secretary, Delivee Wright was asked to take minutes. The minutes of the past meeting were distributed by e-mail and were approved as distributed.
3. The Treasurer’s report was given by President Edwards in the absence of Walter Mientka who was out of town. Checking account balance=$2308.52; Maude Wisherd Fund balance=$54,966.83; spendable earnings=$30,862.09.

Old Business

a. An Assistant Secretary replacement is needed for Jack Botts; this person will be needed by the October 2005 meeting.
b. A Proposed Budget for calendar year 2005 was distributed by President Edwards. It was approved as the basis for the current year. 
c. President Edwards distributed a written description of actions to be taken at the next UNL Emeriti Association meeting, April 21, 2005, in regard to the establishment of a UNL Emeriti Assoc. account and shall consist of deposits generated from annual membership dues, life membership dues, interest from the Maude Wisherd Fund, and member contributions. This account will be a non-interest generating fund. The fund shall be used for the welfare and comfort of the UNL Emeriti Association. When the amount of funds within the Account becomes greater than is needed for the operation of the UNL Emeriti Association and meeting needs of it’s members, the excessive funds, with approval of the UNL Emeriti Association Board of Directors, would be moved into the Maude Wisherd endowed fund. The membership will vote on the motions: “The UNL Emeriti Association shall establish the UNL Emeriti Association Account at the University of Nebraska Foundation.” 
A second Resolution to be voted on by the members present at the April 21st meeting as follows:
“The funds within the UNL Emeriti Association Account shall be used for the welfare and comfort of the UNL Emeriti Association. Priority of use shall go to emeriti or their surviving spouses to a) pay health insurance premiums, b) underwrite part of the cost of completing research and/or creative activity, and c) hellp to pay for custodial care of emeriti and their spouses; and d) to support the overall programs/projects/operations of the UNL Emeriti Association. The expenditure of the funds shall be approved by the Board of Directors.” 
A constitutional revision of the constitution will also be voted upon April 21st as follows: ARTICLE VII-DUES of the CONSTITUTION UNL Emeriti Association and ARTICLE VIII-DUES of the By-Laws of the UNL Emeriti Association: Currently, the Board of Directors is authorized to set yearly membership dues as warranted by expenses. The Life Membership fee to $50.00, of which $30.00 is forwarded to the University of Nebraska Foundation as part of the permanent endowment fund of the UNL Emeriti Association. Membership is complimentary for the first year of retirement or for the remainder of the calendar year.
It is proposed that: The Board of Directors is authorized to set yearly membership dues as warranted by expenses. The Life Membership fee is $100.00 and the portion which is deposited into the UNL Emeriti Association Account at the University of Nebraska Foundation will be determined by the Board on a periodic basis. Membership is complimentary for the first year of retirement or for the remainder of the calendar year. 
After a discussion of the issues involved in the above actions, Howard Ottoson moved and Irv Omtevdt seconded the motion to present these actions to the membership at the April 21, 2005 meeting. It was recognized that after a conference with the Treasurer, minor adjustments might be made. The motion passed unanimously.
d. Benefits Committee Report was made by Francis Haskins. It was observed that there is no special benefit to retired faculty for becoming members of the Emeriti Association. The new web site of the Emeriti Assoc. should include benefits information relevant to Emeriti members.
e. Wisherd Fund Committee Report by Lee Jones reported only one application in the past year for these funds. The committee recommends expanding the definition of need and catastrophic loss. The income limit is $30,000. Health care is the first priority with only one request and no research requests. For 2005, it is recommended not announcing priorities; making research possible up to $1000 with a report to the Association. A sample application form was distributed. Irv Omtevdt moved, and Francis Haskins seconded approval of the committee report.
f. Membership Committee Report was conveyed by President Edwards in the absence of Dick Boohar and his wife, and Dan Lutz. The committee has been working on updating the membership records on spreadsheets.
g. Nominating Committee had no report.
h. Bylaws Committee Report was approved for actions to be presented to the membership on April 21, 2005.
i. Courtesy Committee Report by Delivee Wright included several birthday baskets being distributed. She invited information on others eligible for receiving baskets.
j. The On-Line Website Committee Report was made by James Kendrick. He report the website is in place and ready for entering data into the site. The Board needs to decide who will be authorized to input data and what changes are needed in the current format. Max Clegg is the main contact for liaison with CIT and for training, with Jim Kendrick assisting. The Emeriti Website address is: ()
k. Training for the Board members will be scheduled April 21, 2005, 2:30-5:00 pm, in East Campus Union following the regular monthly meeting of the membership. Training and initial information should be in place by fall so it can be announced at the October meeting. It will be necessary to advertise the presence of the website. Dan Lutes should be consulted regarding consistent style. Don Edwards will inform the Board about training and deadlines. Wilma Crumley moved and Don Edwards seconded the motion to extend our thanks to the Committee and Chairman Kindricks for the successful effort on generating this site. The motion was passed unanimously.

New Business

a. A letter must go to the membership seven days before the April 21, 2005, meeting so the constitutional change can be enclosed.
b. The April 21, 2005 program for the Emeriti Meeting will be presented by Dean Olivia, Hixon-Leid College of Performing Arts. He will discuss activities in the college and the history of American Ragtime.
c. The next Board meeting will be arranged.
d. The May Retirees Luncheon will be hosted by President J. B. Milliken and the arrangements will be made by the NU Foundation. It will include all retirees from all campuses of the system, and will be held at the Cornhusker Hotel
e. The September meeting will be hosted by the NU Foundation and will include only emeriti.
f. Other Fall meeting dates include: October 20, and November 17. The Board will meet September 1, October 6, and November 3, 2005.
g. The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee Wright in the absence of Secretary Dan B. Lutz