November 2012 Board Minutes

November 2012 Board Minutes Wick Alumni Center

Members Present: Agnes Adams, Allen Blezek, John Comer, Jack Goebel, Jim Kendrick, Jerry Petr, Al Seagren, Dan Wheeler, Delivee Wright, and Andrea Cranford.

Jack Goebel, President, called meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

1. Andrea Cranford, Alumni Association, reported the list of 2012 Masters’ Week honorees who will be on campus the first week of November. She also distributed a list of those being honored and invited participation in a dessert/coffee followed by a civic engagement panel on Wednesday, November 7,2012 at 7:00 pm at the Wick Alumni Center.

2. Memory Moments: None were noted.

3. Steering Committee for the 2016 Big Ten Retirees Association Meeting. A number of potential members of this committee were identified as well as possible organization with the main committees. Al Seagren moved, and Dan Wheeler seconded a motion that the Emeriti Board serve as the Steering Committee, but the selection of the Chair of the Steering Committee be left to the Board for appointment. The motion passed unanimously.

A number of potential committees were suggested including: Program, Arrangements and Hospitality, Funding, University Participation, Site,, and Communications/Publicity. These committees will be presented to the membership at the November luncheon meeting so they can sign up for participation.

4. Membership Chair
 was not present, but two issues were discussed. First, we have no way of knowing about deaths of Emeriti or spouses who do not live in Lincoln so the list must be updated by returned mailings. Incoming mail is saved at the reception desk, but needs to be picked up by only one person, probably the President, would be best. Agnes and Allen will work on this as the Wisherd application deadline is November 15, 2012 and recent mail is needed.

5. Board Retreat, November 27, 2012, 11:30 am at the Wick Center. Topics will include:
- 2014 Volunteers
-Time certain for New Members.
-Need to examine office materials for proper disposition.
- Exploration of the idea to ally with other Big Ten Retirees Associations for the purpose of 
negotiating health benefits.
- The changing concept of retirement and implications for future relationship of Emeriti with the campus.
- Identifying the definition of Emeritus(a) status. 
- Development of a broader UNL Retirement Association. Al Seagren was appointed Chair of a Committee to examine this issue with an Emeriti Association being a sub group.
- Replacement of Mel Thornton as Membership Chair.

6. The January-April Calendar for 2013 was announced as follows:

Member Meetings:

January 15, 2013 (Tu) September 17, 2013 (Tu)
February 21, 2013 (Th) October 17, 2013 (Th)
March 19, 2013 (Tu) November 14, 2013 (Th)
April 18, 2013 (Th)

Board Meetings:

January 8, 2013 (Tu) September 10, 2013 (Tu)
February14, 2013 (Th) October 10, 2013 (Th)
March 12, 2013 (Tu) November 12, 2013 (Tu)
April 11, 2013 (Th) December 3, 2013 RETREAT (Tu)

7. Operating Guidelines: Copies of a draft of the “Operating Guidelines” were distributed as well as guidelines for the Emeriti Association Database Allen Blezek moved and Al Seagren seconded a motion to accept these guidelines. Motion passed.

Committee Reports

a. Wisherd Fund. Al Seagren, Chair, reported one request has been received. The deadline is November 15, 2012.

b. Membership Report: 112 annual members; 170 Life Members, 86 New 2012 Members;
18 New 2013 Members; 182 Spousal Members with 350 Inactive Emeriti. 

The next Emeriti Board Meeting will be the RETREAT Meeting, Tuesday, November 27, 2012, 11:30 am at the Wick Alumni Center, with Lunch provided.

Meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary