May 2014 Board Minutes

May 2014 Board Minutes Home Economics Conference Room

Members Present: Agnes Adams, Allen Blezek, John Comer, Duane Eversoll, Jack Goebel, Julie Johnson, Doug Jose, Delivee Wright, Doug Zatechka
John Comer, President, called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.

1.  Troy Fedderson, Editor of "UNL Today", the online UNL newsletter, provided an overview of the online site as a resource for campus news distribution.  A handout provided contact information and alternatives for online communications.  Anyone can log into this site if they have a UNL user name and password; and others can request inclusion on the distribution.
     This is a way to communicate accomplishments and activities of Emeriti and will be used in the fall of 2014.  While we are seeking a coordinator, John Comer will serve in this role.
Agnes Adams moved and Duane Eversoll seconded, the motion to participate in sharing Emeriti
information via "UNL Today".  Motion passed.

2. Memory Moments:  Judy Weber, Cooperative Extension; Marlyn Low, Cooperative Extension; and Jean Aitkin, Technical Writing, Agricultural Education.

3.  Treasurer's Report.   Agnes Adams, Treasurer, provided monthly reports for February, March and April.  These will be posted on the emeriti web site.  The reports were accepted.

4. Officer Nominations.  John Comer presented a slate from the Nominations Committee
for elected officers as follows:
Vice-President and President-Elect:  James Griesen
Board Member:  John Bernthal (replacing Kay Rockwell who will continue with Member Relations.).
The slate was approved unanimously.  It will be announced in September, additions from the members may be made at the October meeting, and election will be in November.

5.  Big Ten Retiree Organization Conference will be held at the University of Minnesota, August 8-10, 2014. It was suggested that since AROHE (Association of Retiree Organizations in Higher Education) will also meet in Minneapolis, August 10-12, 2014, that one of our representatives stay for that conference. John Goebel moved and Julie Johnson seconded that we join AROHE at the cost of $120 so we could have a representative.  Motion passed.

6.  2016 Big Ten Conference at UNL.  Jack Goebel reported that Committees are working on planning.  Funding Committee will meet next week, and Program Committee chaired by John Bernthal has met.  They are working on coordinating efforts to assure goals of the Conference  organization will be met as well as introducing them to UNL.

7.  New Associate Member Nomination.  Janet Goldenstein Ahler was nominated for Associate Membership in the UNL Emeriti Association by Roger Kirby.  She is Emerita of the University of North Dakota, and lives in Lincoln.  Jack Goebel moved and Duane Eversoll seconded approval of this nomination.  Motion passed.  She specializes in educational Anthropology, Multicultural Education, Bilingual Education and Native American Education.  Her Ph.D. is from the University of Missouri-Columbia.  402-488-4202

8.  Committee Reports

a.  Benefits Committee.   Doug Zatechka , Chair, No report.

b.  Wisherd Committee.  Al Seagren was not present, but sent word he recommended continuing the moratorium on grants.

c.   Web Site. No report.  

d.   Programs.  Duane Eversoll, Vice-President and Program Chair, reported fall programs will be:  Dan Duncan speaking on Innovative Campus (October 21); and Dr. Shane Farritori, UNMC,
on "Surgical Robots" (November 20).  A notice relating to news in "UNL Today"  will be included on the "yellow card" mailed for fall semester.

9.  Coffee Chats.  The next Coffee Chat will be Tuesday, May 20, 2014, Gail and Jeff Keown are hosting it at their home in Wilderness Ridge.  Details will be sent closer to the date.  Treats are welcome.

10. NU President's Retiree's Luncheon is Friday, May 23, 2014, 11:30 am at the Embassy Suites in Lincoln.

Meeting adjourned at 2:20 pm.  

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary