January 2009 Board Minutes

January 2009 Board Minutes

Members Present: Jim Carr, Max Clegg, Jack Goebel, Herb Howe, Jim Kendrick, Walter Mientka, Tice Miller, Lowell Moser, Kay Rockwell, Delivee Wright.
The meeting of the UNL Emeriti Association Board of Directors was called to order by President Lowell Moser at 1:03 pm in the Wick Alumni Center, January 6, 2009. 

The minutes of the December 2, 2008, retreat were accepted as posted. Mientka gave the December Treasurer's Report. He reported on income, expenses, and current balance of $590 and reported that he had changed the checking account to an interest generating checking account. A discussion of where to deposit income from life memberships resulted in keeping the present system of depositing them in the operating fund. After reviewing (with handouts) last year's expenses, income and comparable analysis of 2008 proposed and actual income and expenses, he proposed a budget for 2009. Jack Goebel moved to accept the proposed budget and Herb Howe seconded it.

Treasurer Mientka then distributed a summary of those who had paid multiple year memberships, a donations list, new life members (3), and dues paid in 2008. He also reviewed the status of our donated account to OLLI. He indicated that as of December 11, 2008, there was a balance of $1200 from the original $1600 donated amount since eight new Emeriti took advantage of the membership program. Jack Goebel moved to accept the proposed budget and Herb Howe seconded it. Treasurer Mientka then distributed a summary of those who had paid multiple year memberships, a donations list, new life members (3), and dues paid in 2008. It was suggested that we discontinue having coffee at board meetings because of cost.

Tice and Carren Miller will likely serve as Member Relations Co-Chairs after they return from Austin Texas in mid-February.

The following constitution/bylaws changes were discussed: (a) adding the category of Collegial Membership, (b) a change to make election of officers more flexible, and (c) a change to move to electronic voting. To implement this, two steps are required:¨(1) We must announce to the general membership that we plan to move to electronic-voting and seek input from the membership as well as their email addresses; (2) Assuming this is accepted, conduct an electronic-vote concerning flexibility in how officers (Vice-President/President-Elect/Program Chairman, and Board Member) are elected; and to change bylaws to add the category of Collegial Membership. Kay Rockwell moved, and Herb Howe seconded a motion that all elections will be by electronic-voting and do what we need to do to inform the membership and to change bylaws to allow this. Jack Goebel and Jim Kendrick were asked to design a card to send to the membership and to indicate that the purpose was to save money. The Bylaws change to allow electronic-voting will be voted on in the February meeting which would allow the second action to take place in the spring.¨

Lowell Moser reviewed the agenda for the Meeting recognizing new emeriti on January 22, 2009, at the Champions Club, 11:30 to 2:00 pm Letters have already gone to new emeriti faculty and cards will be mailed to the membership with RSVPs by January 15, 2009. Since few have responded so far, a list of potential new emeriti members was circulated and board members identified people they would call to personalize the invitation. Lowell handed out an information sheet to use in these calls. Board members will be asked to sit at tables with new emeriti and to introduce them at the lunch. Spouses are invited to attend at a cost of five dollars. A number of administrators are invited to participate as well.¨

Priorities for 2009 were discussed with visibility with faculty and administrators being a primary goal. Establishment of a publicity committee could facilitate publicity through the Scarlet, Daily Nebraskan, email, the Neighborhood Extra, stories on events, etc. It was suggested that we might have a goal of getting one story per month to Meg Lauerman. This might be done by a person on the Member Relations Committee.¨

We need a more systematic process to identify deceased emeriti members. It was suggested that at each Board meeting we make a point to identify these; and post them to the web site as well as the Memory Moment at the monthly meeting of members It was announced that the OLLI Open house at the Champions Club on Sunday, January 14, 2009, 1:30-3:00 pm, will provide opportunity to learn about and sign up for new classes.

Jack Goebel, Benefits Chair, reported that Diane. Mendenhall, Executive Director of 
the Alumni Association, will help us on the issue of football tickets for those who are not presently eligible. Also, we hope to get the line on the Retirement Personnel Action Form to require a yes/no decision on Emeriti status rather than being overlooked.

Chairmen of the Wisherd Fund (Jim McShane) and Membership (Mel Thornton) were not present to report on their Committees.¨

Jim Kendrick reported that the Emeriti web site has been updated with 2009 officers.
Kay Rockwell reported that eleven new Emeriti attended the December 11, 2008, coffee and that Bob Kuzelka would lead a tour of the Hardin Center at the next meeting, January 8, 2009. They will be encouraged to attend the January 22nd luncheon.

Herb Howe, Vice-President elect and Program Chair, discussed possible tours for 2009 as a supplement to the monthly meetings. Among ideas suggested were: backstage at the Johnny Carson Theatre, the Tractor Testing Laboratory, Local Museum visits (dental, minature furniture, skating museum, paleontology in Nebraska Hall, the Historical Society, etc.) It was suggested that we start with the theatre and that we include opportunity for socialization and refreshments. Walter Mientke suggested a possible future program of someone to speak to us from the health profession about Wellness.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 pm.¨

Submitted By: Delivee Wright, Assistant Secretary in the absence of Dan Lutz