December 2014 Board Minutes

December 2014 Board Minutes East Campus Union

Members Present: John Comer, Bob Diffendal, Duane Eversoll, Jim Griesen, Julie Johnson, Doug Jose, Roger Kirby, Kay Rockwell, Al Seagren, Delivee Wright, Doug Zatechka.

John Comer, President, called the meeting to order at 11:30 am.

1. Brochure on the Emeriti Association.  John Comer shared an initial draft of an updated brochure for the next two years. He requested Board members review and make suggestions.  This may be a hard-copy brochure to send to new Emeriti, and be transmitted electronically.

2. Emeriti Association Newsletter.  John Comer shared a draft of a newsletter and proposed that this kind of communication be distributed electronically two or more times per year.  He requested review and suggestions for improvement be sent to him with the goal of going out as soon as possible. It was suggested that it be sent to other significant campus individuals such as Deans, Directors, Chairs, Senate President, etc.  Perhaps we can us the Department Chair listserve.  Please make editorial suggestions.

3. Activities for Spring Semester.  Kay Rockwell led a discussion of possible ideas for interesting field trips.  Ideas included visiting: the "Outdoor Adventure Center," the Behlen Observatory at Mead, and the Robert Knoll Residence Hall.  Kay with proceed with planning a visit to the Outdoor Adventure Center spring semester.


5. Emeriti Foundation Accounts.  Jason Kennedy, CFO for the Nebraska Foundation, shared information regarding the three Emeriti Accounts. The A. account is the endowed Maude Wisherd Fund; this principal is not spendable, but earnings are spendable. The annual rate for spending funds has been 4.50% of the calculated base and is now reduced to 4.25%.  The calculated base is a twenty quarter average of the value of the account.  The spendable amount has been approximately $6000 per year. Approximately $20,000 in spendable funds has accumulated in the account. These spendable funds do not accumulate any earnings.

6. The B. account is the Emeriti Association Fund that comes from life memberships; it is spendable but does not earn additional funds.  The C. account is the Fund for the Big X Retiree's Organizations Conference that comes from member donations; it can only be used for the Conference; however, once all expenses have been paid, the remainder will revert to the B account.

7. Wisherd Fund can be used for the "benefit of the Emeriti Association" which is determined by the Emeriti Board.  The Board may put additional limitations on the use of these funds. It was suggested that we have a longer-range plan (3-4 years) looking at estimated expenses over recent years, and projected income so prudent use of funds can be determined.  A Wisherd Fund withdrawal was last made in the spring of 2014 for supplemental operating funds.  Re-examination of how Wisherd Funds might best be used is still pending.

8.  Big Ten 2016 Retiree's Organizations Conference. Solicitation of the membership for donations to sponsor the Big X Conference will be made in the letter requesting renewed membership dues and announcing the program for spring semester (an estimated budget showing need would be helpful). Budget estimate for the Conference is currently $22,325 with registration fees being about $4500-$5200 of that amount. The Chancellor's contributions are unknown.

Julie Johnson moved and Al Seagren seconded a motion to accept John Bernthal's
second recommendation in regard to working with TIAA-CREF to generate a grant for support of the Conference. " Instruct the program committee to develop a theme and proposed conference program this spring and hope we guess right for a conference that would interest attendees." Motion passed unanimously.

9. Luncheon Programs for 2015.  Jim Griesen, Vice-President and Program Chair, reported the following topics for Spring semester luncheon meetings:

January – "Infectious Disease Management"  - UNMC rep TBA.
February – "Financing Lincoln Development" - David Landis
March – TBA
April – Meeting/Tour at Innovation Campus – Kate Engel
(Ideas for future programs included Linda Crump (Title IX or bias issues); Sarah Michaels, Political Science on water resource issues; having table discussions on
specified topics for sharing.)

10. International Discussion Group.  This group, in cooperation with OLLI, is led by Peter Levitov, David Forsythe, and Bill Avery, and has been very successful. They meet at Stauffer's restaurant on South 48th St.

11.  Web Page.  John Comer reported that the web page is up to date and at last report University Communications was working on producing a new page that will contain everything on the current page.  When finished, UC will transition to the new page and maintain upkeep.

12. Membership and Listserve.  Roger Kirby reported he is sending an email message requesting dues as well as letter for those without email.  He will add Jim Griesen and John Bernthal to the Board listserve and remove Allen Blezek (if he wishes). 
Bob Diffendal moved, and Al Seagren seconded a motion to consolidate the local and distant listserves.  Motion passed.  Roger Kirby will begin the transition to a single list serve for the members rather than two, one for locals and one for non-locals.

13.  Passing of the Gavel.  John Comer passed the Emeriti gavel on to the new President, Duane Eversoll. He also passed along a set of procedures for the President.  John will become "Past-President, and will continue to work with the Newsletter with Julie Johnson's help.  Del Wright moved and Al Seagren seconded a motion to officially thank John Comer for his leadership and service on the Emeriti's behalf in recent years.  Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 1:50 pm.

Submitted By: Delivee L. Wright, Secretary